Unixコマンド 自分用まとめ



$ ssh kimura@localhost


$ exit

change password


move directory

$ pwd        # view current directory
$ cd [path]  # move directory
$ cd ~       # move to home
$ cd ..      # move to parent

see directory

$ ls
$ ls -l      # see detail infomation
$ ls -a      # see dotfile
$ ls -la

change parmission

4: read 2: write 1: execute

$ # chmod *** [path]
$ chmod 755 bin

create directory

$ mkdir [path]

delete directory

$ rmdir [path]

create file

$ vi

delete file

$ rm [path]

copy file

$ cp [from] [to]

move file

$ mv [from] [to]

see file

$ cat [file]         # see all
$ less [file]
$ more [file]        # page view (space key)
$ head [file]        # see 10 lines from head
$ tail [file]        # see 10 lines from tail
$ tail -100 [file]

wild card

$ rm *.txt
$ rm test?.txt       # 1char

search file

# find [path] -name "[name]" -type [d/f]
$ find . -name "test_*"
$ find . -name "test_*" -type f     # only file 
$ find . -name "test_*" -type d     # only directory

grep file

$ grep [option] [str] [path]
$ grep hoge *
$ grep -c hoge *      # count 
$ grep -r hoge *      # include children directory
$ grep -cr hoge * 

shortcut key

  • {tab} : auto input file/directory name
  • {up/down} : show history

show command history

$ history    # see command history
$ ![id]      # exec command id
$ !!         # exec just before
$ !g         # exec before command starting "g"
$ !g:p       # view before command starting "g"

see manual

$ man [command]
$ man grep
# [space] scroll, [q] quit

see directory tree

$ tree

see now datetime

$ date

see calendar

$ cal
$ cal -y 2030      # see 2030 calendar

see file info

$ wc [file]
$ wc -l [file]     # line count